Reading this was a little bit like staring into a completely dark room, only to realize there’s still something to be seen when your eyes have adjusted.
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May 20, 2024

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A slice-of-life story about moving on that takes place primarily during the evening shift at an aquarium in the Pacific Northwest.
Jul 25, 2024
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Clipped this from the free weekly Reader 24 years ago. Now it’s the season to share it again. If it’s too small to read, here’s what it says: Ernie Pook’s Comeek, by Lynda Barry 2000 This Time of Year It gets dark after Halloween passes. Something about Earth’s axis and our distance from the sun. I got it right on the test but can’t remember it now. At the equator things are different. No winter. No turning back clocks. What are they doing on the equator today? How late do they get to stay outside? Here it gets darker and darker. In my class we are reading about plants, the wonder of them. There is an experiment we are doing. A baby bean plant in the corner of a closed-up box. A tiny pin-hole poked in the opposite side. Today we got to open it. The bean plant had tried. The bean plant had struggled. It made it halfway across the box before it died. Only stupid idiots cry about a bean plant. They are going to tease me about this forever.
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Sometimes it’s all that‘s really needed before going out
May 20, 2024
A brief taxonomy of haters, in order of least to most worthy: 1. Contrarian - the worst kind; completely unmoored and childish. Sometimes lobbed as an insult unfairly but not always. 2. The Deranged - just hating on someone or something obsessively, usually deservedly but to the point of excess. I can kinda respect it but at some point you‘re just inflicting psychic damage on yourself. 3. The Principled Hater - a stone in the stream, a person with a vantage point and a sense of taste who understands their own subjectivity. Willing to give anything a fair shake but unwilling to pretend to like something they can’t bring themselves to.
May 21, 2024
check songkick or other such sites for bands, wander around a neighborhood to find fun spots and thrift stores instead of relying solely on search engines. If you see someone at a gathering wearing something interesting, compliment them on it and ask them where they got it. In short you have to go out in the world and be attentive to it. Sorry if this is corny or useless.
May 30, 2024