i used to think being a regular was lame! but being a regular is awesome! i’ve been a regular at this coffee shop by my apartment for so long that “my baristas” are now just “my friends” :)
used to find the prospect of everyone knowing you by name (and by order) humiliating, but after doing my time in the service industry i’ve come to find the idea of regulars really precious… i love being a routine part of people’s week 🫂
giving to small businesses on a regular basis is super rewarding ! you get to participate and invest in your local community - and it will usually invest itself in you one way or another :)
okay this has been cool for me because
- i have somewhere to go to when i am bored with my work from home setup
- i have the privilege of taste testing their new stuff
- they give me free shit lmao
- we can share our cool hobbies/interests
- we get to talk about the craft which they're so passionate about or just have a wholesome conversation
It doesn't matter where— coffee shop, bar, laundromat, indian restaurant… nothing more powerful than familiarity & friendship with the folks who keep your life going
i’m so sick of doing things tomorrow. just once can i do them today? bargaining with my present self to benefit my future self. one of us has to suffer.