this is a safe space 🌻🖤 I don’t know any of my placements other then my main sun sign because idk what time i was born…… it’s a whole thing.….. •the time i was born is not on my birth certificate ••my family doesn’t remember the time (I was the last of 5 kids so… i understand) •••the hospital i was born in no longer exists…. ****I even tried once to pay a company to find out what time I was born and all they did was send me a copy of my birth certificate WITHOUT THE TIME n it \\\\ soooooo i’m just convinced i’m never supposed to know (and even once was told that if this occurrence happens it means in past life I trusted too much on other worldly elements to influence and govern my life decisions??? idk kinda of obsessed with it… idk if i want to know anymore giving ultimate go with the flow it is what it is vibes //// regardless of it all I LOVE MY GEMINIS always have and always will (i’m lowkey thinking they’re somewhere in my big 3 or in general in my birth chart 💕💕💕)
May 22, 2024

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nothing more era defining then your current emoji rotation right now these are mine 💘🪽🏹🩷💕🤍💟☮️💝💐 starting to really love 🧸 and forever obsessed with 🫗 🩵💛🩷🤍🩵💛🖤🤍🩷 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 m, xoxo
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unless …. we get a little crazy 🫶🎶💋💝🫸💀🫷💃 ▫️💟◽️
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