It is there. you just gotta go looking for it. Little gems of Earth around every corner!!!!!! this is my new favorite morning spot. It smells so salty and I dipped my feet in the Atlantic Ocean (no need to @ me about how dirty it probably is) this morning for a ~grounding~ thrill 🦶
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May 22, 2024

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I like to take long walks, typically in the park. I live in Brooklyn, New York and I like to walk around Prospect Park. At the south end of the park there's a little area with a couple of benches in it, like a little sanctuary and I like to go over there to sit on the bench and watch all the different birds out in the pond. I like to go there in all different kinds of weather and see how it changes throughout the year. I just really get a kick out of nature and it actually can be pretty quiet there sometimes, which is hard to find in New York City. 
Feb 12, 2025
💯 echo the north woods of CP, Riverside, and Inwood- and also being near the water during summer mornings and evenings, whether that’s the lawns at Chelsea Piers or the south section of Domino Park; and then, both the Bronx and BK botanic gardens consistently re-charge me during the winter/spring flux time (especially given how huge the BX grounds are). Obvi paying to go isn’t ideal, but both have some good discounted or pay what you want options for NYers that are worth looking into! 🌳
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Look i know it's not hip or indie or chic and it's most definitely brain soda. But I truly never get tired of analyzing other people's relational problems as a way of violently ignoring my own.
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Jan 24, 2024
1. Wake up 2. Don't look at your phone. Forget the news. Turn on some relaxing tunes. 3. Make your brekkie. 4. Put some puzzle pieces together as you munch away. 5. Go about the rest of your day with the pure joy and serene satisfaction that only really a puzzle can give.
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