i know i talk about her endlessly but god she makes me revert to a different dimension. like the soda-flavored lip smackers & bobby jack kind of era.
a few specifics:
- polly pocket (linked)
- man of your dreams
- drama queen
- NASA's fake
outing myself as a proud addison rae fan rn.. so many pop girls are trying to co-opt the y2k bubblegum radio hit sound but no one's doing it like her imo.. and the btd lana influence sprinkled into this one? Bitch..
it still sounds like eating a bubblegum stick out of an old pack of bizarro sports cards, some of the music that is nearest to my heart. also passion pit james ferraro and animal collective.
they're just some guy. but they're also cute and nice and make u feel admired and don't judge u for all the things u judge urself for. u can show them all your favorite things and learn all of theirs and also u can kiss them