A Bolivian boy who rode on the same school bus as me and my long-term committed crush when I lived in Jakarta. I was in fifth grade, he was in fourth. I thought he was so handsome. His whole family had eyes that naturally looked as if they had under-eyeliner. His mom was my Spanish teacher and we were neighbours so I would come over and play with his sisters. Sometimes I wonder what he grew up to look like 🥺 Brandon, if you see this hmu lol 👉👈
May 24, 2024

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It actually regulates your body temperature and I promise nothing is going to “get you”!
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In response to riotgrrrl and mouse dollz recs. There are a few active sites trying to revive the dollz community! Even a Discord where people are sharing resources and creating dollz for each other: https://discord.gg/33adCApqrm Please join for anyone reading this who misses dollz! 🧸 My friends’ sites 🩷 https://dolliepalace.com https://dreamcloudz.net
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