If you crave a cup of coffee in the afternoon just for the taste, try out some dandy blend 🌾 Added bonus- it’s good for your gut!
May 24, 2024

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I can't imagine how many coffee reccs you must have received here, but I'm going to add mine anyway. I first heard of cardamom in coffee as an Arabic thing that I got into because it's delicious. Later, I learned ayurveda also recommends it as a way to "cool" coffee's hot pitta qualities. This plays out for me when I feel my anxiety is up (and coffee can exacerbate that); adding ground cardamom pods completely balances out any sense of jitteriness or high strung-ness. I use Burlap and Barrel's. The way I think about it is like how green tea has l-theanine to balance out the caffeine content. This is effectively the human intervention equivalent for finding coffee stasis. I also recently heard cumin can basically do the same thing for foods that cause gas, which is VERY INTERESTING to me as someone who would one day like to eat a sunchoke again.
Aug 18, 2022

Top Recs from @mossyelfie

This has become the norm and every day I grow more disturbed. I understand if somebody is behaving in a harmful way, that is good to document and put out there. But as a whole, it seems, we have become so comfortable with recording people just living their lives. I saw a video of a guy working and the caption of the video was that he was so hot, we needed to find him!!! Why are you providing the Internet with his face and location instead of just going up to talk to him? I saw another of two people on the subway, seemingly a couple, having a very emotional moment. How would you feel if you open up an app and saw a video like that of yourself? I don’t like this level of sibling society surveillance. Why are you videoing an elderly person with sad music dubbed over it to gain likes? It is WEIRD. Don’t even get me started on videos of children. It is WEIRD to use a stranger without their consent to get some kind of fake validation. Get a life. I don’t mean to come on here and share something so negative, I just don’t have anywhere else to put it and it’s gnawing at me.
Oct 7, 2024
It’s to keep us humble otherwise we’d be TOO hot/sexy/cool
Jul 3, 2024