At least in this sense lolz Option 1. put a few songs of a band/ genre you enjoy ā€”> scroll down to the suggested list ā€”> add away! you can always remove any songs that arent ur vibe Option 2. Type in ā€œkey wordsā€ into the search ā€”> have a look at other ppls playlists ā€”> listen to what theyve got ā€”> cherry pick songs/ bands u enjoy Option 3. Ask your friends/ family/ WHOEVER for recommendations (itā€™s a great convo starter) ā€”> you can listen to them right away or keep a recommendation playlist and add songs you actually like to ur own playlist
May 24, 2024

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I usually search for playlist with a similar vibe I'm going for to see what they've added and get inspo. Look at related artists to the ones already in the playlist, and create a radio station out of the songs to automatically get recommended similar songs! Just click around and listen and explore!! You can also look at the genres of the songs that have your vibe and explore those (everynoise is a cool website to explore genres with). Most of all try to let it evolve, you will come across songs eventually that'll fit perfectly and you can add them as they come. Let your playlists grow over months and years, it doesn't have to be all done in one go!! :)
Sep 24, 2024
Iā€™ve heard some of the coolest music from recommendations from friends. It shows you care and it gives you more common interests. plus, it also kind of gives you more of an idea of how they are as a person.
Nov 12, 2024
- go to the kinds of record stores that let you listen to the vinyl before you cop and just hang out for mad long - get streaming service or slsk, go to store, save/download any album that looks interesting - go on whosampled.com and search a bunch of songs you like, check out the source materials - find one song you like, play it on spotify, let aftertrack radio do its thing itā€™s quite good actually

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To startā€”> I donā€™t want this to come off as trauma dumpy, I am v happy with the person Ive grown into. Who I wouldnā€™t be if I didnā€™t have these experiences:) Iā€™ve moved around so so so much especially as a kid. I used to feel v guilty bc there were a lot of friends I left behind bc of circumstances beyond my control. This pattern became a trend that continued throughout my life. Went to 4 high schools; was going thru a lot, and was referred to as a ghost. Having someone you didnā€™t even realize knew who u were say ā€œomg! Itā€™s been a year! We thought youā€™d died, wow, how are you? Yk a lot of people tried to reach outā€¦etcā€ completely changed my perspective on the world. I didnā€™t even realize the possibility I was really noticed outside of my immediate friend group. Another case happened this year at university. I was chatting w someone from a class, their friends walk up to say hi, and one says ā€œyour name is Sophia right?ā€ I said yes and assumed Iā€™d just met her while drunk at a show. So I apologized, and asked her name/ where she was from and all that jazz. It got more awkward when she said we went to the same school growing up, same class and everything. I didnā€™t recognize her at all, but obviously she knew me, it was so bizarre. Continued to see her around campus nearly every day for the rest of the year Lolz. It didnt all actualize for me until recently, and still makes my head spin. I canā€™t imagine how many people I unintentionally became a ghost to :// being perceived is crazyyyy
May 24, 2024
recommendation image
In this regard, to what I like to call a funk. I feel trĆØs dookie. Lots of change in my life, and in times of instability I tend to fall off the horse- in a major way. Like many ppl. This past go round I have been excessively hard on myself over my general lacking inā€¦ well almost everything. Ive come to the conclusion that there are times you have to give yourself more grace than youā€™d like to. Maybe the pity party can last a couple more days than usual. I wonā€™t go into details, bc as those of you reading who have dealt with mental health struggles, it can be sort of gross. Sure. Thereā€™s a ton I could be doing to put an end to my funk. Make more of an effort to dig myself out of the hole. But, at the end of the day I know I will come out of the funk in my own time. Faking myself out, and convincing myself Iā€™m feeling better serves no one. Making yourself feel worse over feeling bad in the first place is just wildly counterproductive. Just keep moving forward in time. Thereā€™s a lot of it <3
Jun 2, 2024