I have this very vivid memory of some time, around third grade or so, my family stopped on a roadtrip to check out a garage sale type thing in Virginia or West Virginia. I remember a kid about my age, he lived in the house we stopped at and I remember it feeling sort of like the edge of the world because it was on a hill, high above a valley. The grass was so tall and the ground, sort of maze-like, shown through the grass on paths of warm, dusty brown. The kid with a buzzed head, donning a white wife-beater (wife-lover, rather), I followed through the paths, exploring what felt like a big place. I wonder about them sometimes.

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I think I was like four or so? Mom was in discipliinary mode for some reason (being a "hard mommy") and so I took off down the street when she wasn't paying attention and hung out with the lady who occasionally babysat me and my kid brother. Vivid memory of watching Merrie Melodies cartoons in the front room/living room when mom came rolling in and looked like she wanted to kill me. This was olden times LBC and I'm pretty sure we were living in what ultimately became Crips territory -- wasn't so scary then but would be years later.
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genuinely one of my fav moments of my entire life and the last time i can recall the feeling of childlike wonder fr
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