Please please read the Book Forum review of Oyler‘s essay collection by Ann Manov. I have never screeched in delight as much as I have in the past six months than when I read that review.
May 27, 2024

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Bring back hatchet jobs! But for like Substacks and blogs. Oyler's is fun, mainly skewering Tolentino herself (funny!) but I want to see people fighting in formal prose about pieces with subtitles like "summer blues, ex’s, home depot, loss, and cantaloupe,” and “falling in love with the stains in my microwave” — things like that. Toooo much uncritical reposting on Instagram stories and not enough "OKAY lazy metaphor ALERT." We need to be better writers. But also we should be cringy. We just need to be careful.
Jan 27, 2024

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I feel like as you get older, friendships require a lot more effort and intention - you have to commit to wanting to be someone’s friend because everyone else is also an adult with so much going on in their lives! so people can seems a bit hostile and unwilling to open themselves up, but I would say the best way to make new friends is being the one to risk it first. You might be surprised as to how many people are willing to also open up once they know they’re not going to be emotionally dismissed!
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The atmospheric mystery hooks you right off the top and the worldbuilding is just *Chef's Kiss* - magical, eerie and slightly terrifying - a deceptively short read which is a perfect cure for a slump!
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