someone tell me why the fuck controllers are so expensive I want to play
May 31, 2024

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If you wanna play games like Mario, Pokémon, Kirby, or The Legend of Zelda, or if you enjoy multiplayer games with people in the same room, the Nintendo Switch is the choice. However, keep in mind that the Switch 2 is expected to be announced between now and April 2025. This means the price of the original Switch will likely drop, making it a good time to upgrade from the Lite (and there may be backward compatibility, so waiting could be beneficial) But if you're looking for games with high-end graphics, big adventures, and more online multiplayer options, etc, and you don't mind missing out on Nintendo titles, I recommend choosing a PlayStation over an Xbox because their exclusives are better imo. However, Xbox consoles tend to be cheaper. If you have the option, get the disc version of either console so you can sell your games once you’re done with them. With digital games, you only purchase a license and don’t technically own them (which is something I feel strongly about lol)
Aug 1, 2024
Echoing what's already been said. Here are some specific recs and why: SWITCH OLED—get this if you like Nintendo games, party games, and having friends over to play games. Yes, "Switch 2" is likely to be announced later this year or early next year, but there is always something "better" around the corner. Get what you want to play now. The Switch OLED will have a good resell value if you decide to upgrade when the next console drops. PLAYSTATION 5 W/ DISC PLAYER—get this if you want to play Big Games with Big Graphics and/or if you want to play online multiplayer. The disc player is good for buying physical games that you can resell, but I like it because it's also a 4K Blu-ray player so I can also watch my movies that I own on disc. STEAM DECK OLED—get this if you want PC gaming without building/buy an expensive PC. You won't be able to play the latest and greatest Big Games with Big Graphics but you'll have nearly full access to the wild and weird world of indie games. You'll be able to sample the most with this one. The Steam Deck is mostly a handheld, but you can plug it into a bigger screen or tv easily. I linked to places to buy new, but buying used is absolutely an option!
Aug 1, 2024

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I think it’s beautiful that they are always the worst flavour in anything artificial yet make real shit so good. It’s like a metaphor
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They're good for your brain and shaped like a brain and thus exhibit perfect unity between content and form
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He’s so old and wily and he has such a huge face for a small man. Looking good and having fun. Beautiful drive. wish he got Monaco last year but everyone knows he’s got a few wins left in him
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