We don’t appreciate him enough man. If only my skills in finding information was as good as his… the Human Serviette deserves more attention and recognition…😔✊
doot doola doot doo
I can’t say his name because I will get banned😅, but this is a link to his best song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ic8XCc8LTZk&pp=ygULRGogZG9nIGRpY2s%3D
I want to walk past small rivers and big fields. I want to bike around the dirt roads and lay in the grass all afternoon. I want homemade lemonades and walks in the forest. I miss it so bad.
They’re my favorite ever!! So much that I usually try to get lemon or pomegranate flavored or scented things (shampoo, chewing gums, etc). I’d love to have a basket FULL OF THEM