crazy fucking movie i've seen it a million times and it never gets old. very sexy but evil robert pattinson character

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Count Orlok is so hot. I'm sorry. I love his cheekbones, his nose, his intense stare. He's 6'3, lives in a castle and moves cross-country to be near his shordy? The commitment. If he said "You are not for mankind," to me I'd fall to my knees. He appeals to my desires to transcend mundane existence and my probable praise kink. He's dripped the fuck out, has a dog, has really cool glasswear at his castle, and says things like "You are my affliction." My friends say he'd kill me thoughtlessly. Well I've got a death wish papa, astral project right on over to me.
Dec 30, 2024

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race through Wikipedia links to get from one designated page to another, whoever gets to the end page fastest and with least clicks wins. playable with strangers or you can make a link to play just with friends. hours of fun and healthy distraction from stress and loads of brain exercise plus learning interesting Wikipedia pages to scroll. 10/10. i usually play on my laptop and it seems like you have to download an app and pay to play on your phone? it is free and more fun to play on a computer!
feels so zoned in. ready to have my own thoughts. every time i do this i feel like a whole person again
i wanted to be a forensic pathologist when i was like 10-13 (someone who does autopsies in criminal law) because i was so fucking troubled as a preteen/tween and got sucked into liveleak and runthegauntlet and bestgore (this is hopefully obvious but DON'T look up just... IYKYK) and the Tumblr realgore blogging scene before it got cracked down on and it was such a crazy internet time... 2010-2015... i've always wanted to write an essay about zoomer childhood gore addiction because i have met many others who were traumatized on the internet by this but it is very shameful once you grow out of it. would never want to do that job now, wouldn't dream of it! it is a good job for someone out there though :-). cheers to the forensic pathologists of the world for doing what literally no one else can do