Hii!! I learned how to crochet during the pandemic Like so many others… I rec starting out with a small cheap ball of yarn and one hook And then crochet a small rectangle (10-20 rows?) of single crochet, then half-double, then double (basic stitch types). Follow along YouTube videos that teach you how to do this. Once you’ve gotten this done I suggest starting a small project that excites you, look on YouTube for a simple pattern tutorial that you can follow. Obvi it would be awesome to have a grannie or someone instead to learn from but YouTube is what we got. And then from there you’ll have confidence!! start following accounts/saving crochet stuff that you come across that’s inspiring bc it’s a great additional motivator that’ll keep you dreaming of future projects/make you aware of what’s possible. 💕
Jun 2, 2024

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Related Recs

I started crocheting over lockdown and I found that Pinterest is great for finding free patterns and general inspiration. YouTube is like the best place as well because it has sooooo many free tutorials, especially for beginners. One of my favourite YouTubers for crochet and general blogs and things like that is Nikita Nightingale, she’s really cool. Anna Greene is good too
Feb 1, 2025
they are so easy and accessible to make. just buy one hook and find some scrappy yarn. you can make them single or multi-coloured! you can make them as small or large as you like! eventually you will have enough to make a scarf or bag or top or blanket! i taught my mum how to crochet granny squares during lockdown (she is the least crafty person ever) and she secretly made me a blanket out of them 🥹
Feb 18, 2024

Top Recs from @sed_paz

Oh god!!!! lentils!!! You can eat them for days in a variety of ways Sauté onion, celery, carrots or PARSNIPS Get some tomato paste and MISO mixed and melted Cumin, paprika, curry mixes Lentils, a cup? Salt obvi Water, enough to cover and then some (you can always add more) Bring to boil, cover, reduce check water levels now and then. should not be soupy, not dry, just a lil saucy wetness Taste W sauce, rice vinegar Taste, chefs kiss? I eat with a side of lemony arugula and topped with an egg dotted w hot sauce Can also reheat the next day, add a bit of goat cheese, make salad w arugula, pass out ur so healthy and amazing and tasty
Feb 28, 2024
You really want ur man plotting and scheming for fun? Thinking three moves ahead ?
Jan 30, 2024
I made one for summer (kayak, eat corn!) and forgot to make one for fall+winter. Gonna do a spring bucket list (planting, marshy hikes b4 it gets ticky). Doesn’t have to be on theme even but it’s a nice way to engage in the fleeting seasons
Mar 6, 2024