I used to listen to him a lot more when i was younger, but i’ve been picking him back up recently along with steely dan. A bit hungover and laying like a cat on the warm concrete listening to Finally Alone and Hey Nineteen. This type of music is what girls who grew up on 70s yacht rock fw now a days. Grab yourself a friend w a boat, a day off from work, and a nice juicy watermelon slice.
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Jun 2, 2024

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I know it isn't good to look up to celebrities, but something about Mac Demarco absolutely entranced me from the minute I first listened to one of his songs. It was 2019 on a hot summer night. I was alone on my deck, having just taken acid for the very first time an hour and a half prior. The mutual friend I got it from texted me a recommendation that I listen to 'Ode to Viceroy" once I hit peak, and so I stuck my headphones in my ears and turned it on. I think I absorbed every single note in that song on a molecular level right then and there. I really got into his music over the next year, and enjoyed watching interviews and whatever other content about him had been put out. I've unfortunately never gotten the chance to see him live, and I'm not sure if he will ever perform again on a tour nearby where I live, but a girl can dream. I had hopped on the bandwagon a bit too late I fear. Oh well, I still love all the music he puts out, regardless if he tours again or not. He just seems like such a fun guy, and seems to keep things weird and real. The way things ought to be.
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Hes the best indie artist OAT
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