If you’re in here, you’ve made it.
Your workout is over and now it’s time to reap the relaxing, skin plumping, moisturizing, suffocatingly humid rewards.
Guys this is going to sound so dumb, but I just feel like I cracked the code. Stay in the spa until you sweat too much and then take a cold shower to do your skin care/ hair. Its so amazing!
wowowow I watched this for the first time last night and loved it. I knew it was groundbreaking at the time, but what I didn’t expect was to see such a beautiful variety of landscapes and for it be have such romance.
The choreography is insane and it was so refreshing to watch action that isnt cgi to the max.
No problem getting to work/important appointments on time but any leisure or social plans? Expect me to show up fashionably (some would say frustratingly) late.