multi platform emulator, easy to add DS functionality (google it :3).
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Jun 7, 2024

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play basically any nintendo ds, gameboy, super nintendo etc game on your phone for free!!?!? n64 games too but imo they don't translate to phone well. althooo you could totally connect a controller to your phone via bluetooth and airplay your phone to a larger screen... the option is there however i usually just keep it simple
if you’re technologically literate and played video games when you were you get, you might have an untapped fountain of joy waiting to be discovered under a bed somewhere. consoles that many a gen y/z‘er played in their youth often have a community of people dedicated to cracking their software wide open and making them do things that their manufacturers never intended, like playing pirat— I mean legally acquired game files instead of paying for expensive discs, or enabling mods and developer settings, or even running emulators for other game consoles. My PS2 can emulate an original game boy advance now. why? I’m not sure, but it’s funny. google your consoles name plus homebrew (the name for custom software) or custom firm ware or hack and you’ll find a guide for the unique process people have developed to hack it.
Jan 30, 2024

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I poured it out on the couch with my partner a week ago. Thats usually where it ends up being…. Got into an argument and we hashed it out like we usually do, finally admitted how hard it is to let my guard down. To be loved is to be exposed.
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The best to ever do it.
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