This song does something special thats all there is
play it and lie on a blanket under a tree, coast down a big hill on your bike, look at the stars or slow dance with your lover
i can never get over this song, I listen to it on repeat during my evening bike rides to the river to sit and listen to the birds. something about it makes me feel so seen, yet so nostalgic. enjoy this special part of me (for the moment-warahenege)
wowowow I watched this for the first time last night and loved it. I knew it was groundbreaking at the time, but what I didn’t expect was to see such a beautiful variety of landscapes and for it be have such romance.
The choreography is insane and it was so refreshing to watch action that isnt cgi to the max.
No problem getting to work/important appointments on time but any leisure or social plans? Expect me to show up fashionably (some would say frustratingly) late.