June 24
KODAK VISION3 500T, 1 hour.
It feels like for a great shot, fortunate circumstances matter more than good preparation. How many times in my life have I planned everything, traveled somewhere, carried equipment a third of my weight, only to produce something mediocre. And here, just a DSLR, a cable, a small tripod with flexible legs, shooting from a rock next to passing cars, while having dinner, and this is the result! However, the moon hadn't risen yet, the sky was clear, and this time we drove 140km away from the city!
Recalling my first terrible shot with star trails from a Zenit camera on film back in 2015, I'm glad to see how far I've come! I hope next time I'll capture something cool in the foreground, or finally manage to take a shot with an astrotracker!
P.S. Take a look at the sky from time to time; it's always beautiful, regardless of the weather or time of day.