a book that fundamentally opened up and shaped the way I think about physical environments. I read it for the first time many years ago as an aspiring architect; even though I didn’t enter that career path, the multidisciplinary ideas in this book helped create a way for me to understand how disparate concepts can interact, and how the smallest details can have outsized impact on large scale systems (and vice versa!). Ultimately I think if you’re someone who is curious about the world around you, you’ll love this book. And if you’re not curious about the world around you, this book will give you reasons to be!
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Jun 11, 2024

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I admittedly have a lot of pet peeves, but leading the pack is online recipes of any stripe. Food blog, bon apetit post, tiktok caption…they're all a nightmare, and I hate them. I ✨hate✨ them!!! Who wants to click out of a half dozen pop up ads with messy hands and stuff going on the stove? Who is that experience for?? Especially when nearly every recipe you could ever hope to need or imagine already exists in libraries and thrift stores (both of which offer both cookbooks and food magazines!). that being said… I’m not above referencing Smitten Kitchen or Sally’s or Modern Proper. But i’ve taken to physically writing down those recipes ahead of time, and it’s amazing how much it improves the cooking/baking experience both in terms of easy reference and also in the way it helps me mentally think through the process. I recommend physical recipes!!!
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every once in a while I like to go rogue at the grocery store just to remind myself that I am an adult with free will. Yesterday I did this at my neighborhood Piggly Wiggly and ended up copping some garlic bread from the freezer aisle. It’s soooo impractical (I live by myself and these are really not meant to be consumed a slice at a time) and is a crazy expensive way to make a very cheap snack but DAMN is it good. I Recommend This Item 🌟
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