impossible to pick a favorite album but i like this one a lot. car -> fling -> cleo sequence goes crazy
Jun 12, 2024

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This whole album is full of sparse and emotional piano-driven gems, which allows Spencer Krug's (Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake) brittle poetry to really shine through. This song is steeped in sadness, and to me really just epitomizes the full breakdown of love. The sort that not only destroys a relationship, but also eviscerates your image of self, but also how you interact with your physical reality, and necessitates some introspection and growth in order to pick up the pieces. Love is sort of like light. It needs darkness in order to exist and be appreciated, and I don't think you can really appreciate the highs of the feeling until you've sunk to the depths of its absence. In fact, I think the absence is still love. Love can have a negative or a positive existence, but it's all love, and all part of celebrating the human experience. (There's also a full-band version of this song that is equally good, but in a different ways)
Feb 14, 2024
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ā€œIt's not like the love they showed us on TV, it's a home that can burn, it's a limb that can freezeā€ Worry by Jeff Rosenstock is probably my favourite album of all time and the one i would recommend for all u internet friends, This album has it all; amazing and intelligent songwriting, extremely catchy hooks, great momentum and sick transitions. please listen to the message this genius is trying to tell us iā€™d call this album perfect but the final track in the album tells me perfection isnt attainableā€¦ which makes this a perfectly imperfect record! whoa
Feb 9, 2025

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As Perfectly Imperfect subscribers know, being into shit is cool. This was an early rec I made on the PI.FYI app, inspired by Facebookā€™s ā€œlikeā€ feature formerly being called ā€œbecome a fanā€ because I find the verbiage so sweet and so supportive. Itā€™ll always be way cooler to be an embarrassing superfan than to have 0 interests.Ā 
Jan 26, 2025
Get out of the house and be in the world but in a cozy, private kinda way. Life changing
Jan 27, 2024