I love windscreen time.  It’s therpeutic.  I live on a farm in ohio but do a lot of work in New York.Sometimes I’ll drive.  I listen to books.  I treat myself to a two cheeseburger meal at McDonald’s.I have a little air cooled 911 and planning a 2500 mile road trip in it to a friends wedding in July.  There’s something about bonding with a machine that I love.  I love the smell of oil and gas and manually rowing through gears on beautiful byways.  Stress drops away and it’s meditative for me.
Jun 13, 2024

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Jun 13, 2024
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Jun 13, 2024
I’m super smell sensitive.  Ive worn the same fragrance for almost 20 years.  Santa Maria novellas patchouli.  Just recently a friend, Todd nickey of nickey kehoe sent me some of what hes been working one.  They were both great but his brand Bernards cleome parfum ol bijou was so good.  So now i put that on first and the patchouli on top.  I love the mix.
Jun 13, 2024