So, basically this short film/documentary is about a group of school girls (theyā€™re 13/14 at the time??) at a private school in California who are are influenced by the ā€˜riotgrrrlā€™ movement of the early to mid 90s. The sisters, Amber and Harper, lead this and one of the rumours spread by classmates is that Amber ā€˜hasnā€™t washed her hair since Kurt Cobain diedā€™.Even though they are made fun of and labelled as ā€˜dirty girlsā€™ because they allegedly never shower, they still retain their ideas and just try to be themselves surrounded by snobs and some who are just confused which I too understand. I find the whole concept very interesting, i highly recommend this to u so watch it if you want xxx i think that, because I wasnā€™t around at the time, the idea of proper subcultures really intrigues me. I occasionally go back and watch it, + it always makes me want to jump up and down to bikini kill. (itā€™s on YouTube by the way- just remembered I can link it so I will) Ps. The soundtrack, ā€˜Batmobileā€™ liz phair, is great too. I fucking love the girly sound demos. Pps. even if you think the riot grrl movement is flawed (which it was in many ways)I still think anyone would enjoy the documentary, even someone completely unaware of the culture around the bands of that era. Ok bye, just realised Iā€™ve written loads and if you cba reading this I donā€™t blame you.
Jun 15, 2024

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i <3 girlhood! all hail amber, who was the subject of this iconic rumour at camp: "that's the girl who hasn't showered since kurt cobain died" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3MxEHQk644&t=1s
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