doesnt matter how many times you have to start over you having the courage and strength to start over is what matters most its gunna be okay be kind, breathe and take it one step at a time
Jun 15, 2024

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just a reminder that good results come with experience, and your first try would most likely be a shit. so you should keep growing, getting over your past mistakes to be able to create beautiful things one day. first steps are hard, but without them there's no start at all.
Aug 16, 2024
unless you're quite literally dead, you almost always have the chance to try again. so dust yourself off, get up and give it another go :)
Nov 15, 2024
given that you’ve already started the pivot, it seems like you just need a lil pep talk. here it goes: you are exactly the right age to be taking on new challenges. sure, theres some risk involved. but time is 100% on your side, and the fastest way to self-actualize is to operate outside your comfort zone. just take this one day at a time and don’t stress about the unknowable future. its a waste of energy you could be dedicating to learning and growing here in the present. it will work out. it usually always does.
Aug 5, 2024

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using A.I. for art instead of using it to fix problems such as poverty, climate change etc is fucking weird art is a way people cope with human existence and express feelings as well as share and pass down culture why tf is A.I. in the mix its weird to me
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TW: drugs and psychosis i was in active addiction 4 years ago and was going on a 4 day streak of a bender where i decided to go to a party do meth (ik) and drink and smoke (more) weed i was so out of it that when i had to leave (never drive UTI) it looked like i was driving through a forest under water when i got back to my friends place her mom said their family cat (who was v old) was dying and she wanted us to say good to him when i looked at the cat it looked like it was turned inside out and its inside were rotting i felt sick to my stomach and hid in her room where i began to question everything what i had seen, what i was doing, and finally who i was and if the thoughts i had were mine or someone else's- it was a lot it was from there i kinda realized there was more and now im here sober and a changed woman the end
Jul 5, 2024