For some reason, the past few years I’ve had this obsession with completely ignoring the existence of spring. Oh, it’s the first of May? Then summer is officially here! But no, why should I ignore one of the most important seasons of all? If summer is the goal, then spring is the journey, and we all know that it’s the path that counts not the destination. And once I’d made this realisation it took such a heavy weight off of my shoulders; I realised that I actually had some time to shed my moody winter persona, and to slowly crank up the outgoing summer persona who wants to speak to absolutely everyone and do absolutely everything. So for me, spring is officially the best season of the year, and it’s made me feel like having an amazing summer in 2024 if within my own power, and not something that I have to blindly hope for.
Jun 16, 2024

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I once heard the concept of treating yourself as if you were a child on days when you need to rest and recuperate. I think it’s based on the idea that everyone still has an inner child that needs to be looked after in some way, but sometimes we’re so overwhelmed by having to be an adult (cleaning, cooking, studying, emails…) that we neglect that side of ourselves a bit. Depending on how you're feeling on your self-care day, you can literally just do exactly what you want - your dream day - but in a way that’s measured and will allow you to slip back into your routine for your upcoming exams. For example, my dream day during an exam season would be waking up relatively early, having a really nice breakfast, reading a book in the morning and then having lunch. After a quick call with someone who I love, I would then go swimming, before going home and watching a favourite movie of mine while eating a few of my favourite snacks. Then I’d just prepare a few things for slipping back into my exam routine and go to bed pretty early. I guess the point is to try and see which part of you needs to relax more (your body, your mind) and to allow that to happen. I hope that this makes sense and that it’s helpful to you! And good luck with your exams :-)
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