I loveeee doing this you can just focus on the music and why you’re there to begin with and sometimes you even make new friends with similar interests (the artists!) and I love how music brings people together I love concerts
i think it’s really only applicable to ga shows, but genuinely, almost all my favorite shows i’ve experienced alone. there is nothing better than losing yourself in a crowd and being able to migrate wherever without worry. no one cares that you’re by yourself, it’s just a vibe.
on your own timeline, you’re surrounded by people that are all there for the same thing if you need something to small talk about, easier to get tickets sometimes too. really gives me a thrill lol small venue, stadium, anywhere!
I took it in a canon rebel g that I was lucky enough to find at an estate sale for about $20 and it’s by far my favorite pic I’ve ever taken! I think the film is like fujifilm ISO 400 or something idk but I love the colors it brings out