1. BRENDAWARENESS: really cool and good for the fashion girlies. it is a smaller podcast channel by "Hashtag Brenda", she is big in fashion (she literally spent her birthday with Rick Owens). I call her my digital big sister. https://www.youtube.com/@brendahashtag 2. COLORLESS WONDERLAND: kinda booktube but for not horny people. he used to be a middle school teacher and he has very cool takes and analysis. he hasn't posted actively in a while but he's just overall really good vibes. https://www.youtube.com/@colorlesswonderland 3. PROFOUND PONDERING: this random guy who speaks very candidly about his mental health and is quite relaxing to listen to. https://www.youtube.com/@profoundpondering8575 4. WENDIGOON: does deep research on some really cool topics; everything from the bible to analogue horror, to chris mc candless. he is just really interesting to listen to, nd is def for the hyperfixation community https://www.youtube.com/@Wendigoon 5. FRANK WATKINSON: an old man who does very cute covers of songs which make me cry everytime. he also has original songs. he's been on youtube for like 10 years at least and loves sufjan stevens. https://www.youtube.com/@FrankWatkinson/videos 6. KERWIN FROST: this may be a bit rogue but he was my fav person when i was like 13 in 2018 and was like super into tyler the creator. Kerwin is a really cool DJ and his interviews are so fun to watch. he doesn't post much now but he has done interviews with young lean and dev hynes which rlly impacted me when i was younger and revisit from time to time https://www.youtube.com/@KerwinFrostTV 7. MYTHICAL KITCHEN (LAST MEAL): might just be my favourite series on the internet everrrr. a very talented chef called Josh hosts celebrity guests and chefs make their "death row meal". they've had guests like Karamo from queer eye, steve-o and tom hanks. https://www.youtube.com/@mythicalkitchen 8. BOOK CLUB RADIO: a dj collective in brooklyn, insane sets (personal favs: dj nico and varist) https://www.youtube.com/@bookclubradio 9. ARCHITECTUAL DIGEST (OPEN DOOR + SPACE SAVERS): i love looking at rich peoples houses, so cool. open house is a series where they go to celebrity houses, obvs so fun to watch. space savers is a series where 3 different architects get given a space and they get to draft whatever they want, the results are so cool! (darren jett is so cool) https://www.youtube.com/@Archdigest i hope you enjoyed the list mwahhh xoxoxox
Jun 22, 2024

Comments (4)

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treasure trove……tysm 💚
Jun 22, 2024
reference pls lmk if you have any recs yourself 💋
Jun 22, 2024
llq lol my youtube alg is total brain rot…the only channels i regular are contrapoints when i’m feeling smart, trixie & katya when I’m feeling dumb, & peridiam for survivor fandom deep dives …… hence my desire to expand my rotation
Jun 23, 2024
reference love trixi and katya!!
Jun 23, 2024

Related Recs

-Oki's Weird Stories, mostly bringing light to unknown stories, very high quality and well-researched. rec: "The Deadly Basement of a 4chan Doomer" + "How I Infiltrated a Bizarre Conspiracy Cult" -Leeja Miller, political video essays from the perspective of a female, queer lawyer. rec: "The US Is Ugly. THIS is Why." + "Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Communism??" -The Right Opinion, mostly deep dives on different pop culture topics, but his trilogy on Onision really does feel like a true crime doc. rec: His Onision series + "The Never-Ending Nightmare Of Nikocado Avocado" -Wendigoon, does a lot of horror deep dives, sometimes its about fictional media like ARG's but he also does a lot of deep dives into real life crimes. rec: "The Most Disturbing Cult of All Time: The Ant Hill Kids" + "The Story & Footage of LA's Most Infamous Heist Gone Wrong" + "The Cult, Standoff, & Conspiracy of Waco" -j aubrey, similar to The Right Opinion, but he does do more content on real-world stuff. rec: His Epstein trilogy + "The Depraved World of the Duggers | A Biblical Scandal" -DonnaIRL, pop culture deep dives with a more psychological perspective (im pretty sure she's a psychologist). rec: "The Cult of David Dobrik: How to Keep a Group Obedient" -Coffeehouse Crime, i used to really like true crime youtube, but after watching Pinely's video ("The Broken Morality Of True Crime Videos") i became disillusioned with the space. coffeehouse crime is the only channel i feel does it right and respects the victims. rec: "The Tinder Date Murdered By A Cult | The Case of Sydney Loofe"
May 19, 2024
I have a very specific list of YouTube channels that calm my mindbodysoul. I was going to recommend just one but then realized it's not enough - because they all do something very special. First one is Liziqi. My friend Jon Baken showed me her channel years ago, the only way we were able to find her was by searching "Plum Chinese" - IDK why but now it's much easier (search "Liziqi" lol). Either way, she's a beautiful Chinese princess (not really, but basically) that lives in rural China with her grandma (allegedly). Each episode she takes - usually like a fruit or vegetable that's in season - and makes a bunch of things from scratch using that main ingredient. The sounds are calming (chopping wood, puppies barking, wind), it's shot really beautifully and her skills are honestly really impressive. It's like girls and gay guy football...every time I have shared it, anytime she does something we scream. People doubt the authenticity of it - but I prefer not to. Then there is SteveMRE1989 who is the coolest dude with the most swag on all of YouTube. He is obsessed with eating MREs from like any decade and country basically. His voice is so soothing and I love how he describes every part of the ration, sparing no detail, his way of saying "Nice." I especially love when he gets cigarettes from like a WW1 MRE and smokes them on camera. He's the fucking best. Last but not least is MadSeasonShow who is a guy who plays WoW. He has hour-long videos on the history of WoW and other stuff like that. His voice is literally the best and he is most often the channel I choose to fall asleep to because the videos also have really nice medieval elevator slow jams (hope that makes sense) in the background. He sometimes streams on Twitch as well and that's always a treat, the way he says "Doritos" is mad cool. I think he's from Canada or the midwest somewhere. To make it easy for you all I made a little playlist of some of their vids to get you started that's linked above. Sweet dreams!
Nov 16, 2021
Ant Lab - cool close up & slow motion videos of bugs, & something abt the guy’s mannerisms is just ridiculously endearing Biblaridion - really into linguistics & makes conlangs (cool), but i really love the alien biosphere series!!! it’s a speculative evolution project where he’s just creating a whole world from scratch Cor Canish - makes a bunch of stuff abt Elder Scrolls, really really fun & editing is remarkable Featureman - a lovely old man makes cheap but (probably) yummy food & talks to u 4 a while. he’s really funny League of Pigs - lots of happy & well loved pigs race for the championship (to the food trough) Myron Cook - another lovely old man, does geological investigations into bizarre rock structures. equally good for learning or falling asleep Steve Wallis - another lovely (oldish, not really) man, makes stealth camping videos. total cutie Worthikids - really fun animations!!!! & featureman voiced a character in Bigtop Burger <333
Feb 16, 2024

Top Recs from @llq

recommendation image
just watched this on a whim. was going through a tough time and thought it would help me, but it ended up helping me in the opposite way i thought. its heartbreaking but i think it’s important. i thought it would motivate me to have a thirst for travelling the world and experience all these things but instead it gave me the desire to fix my internal world. don’t get put off by the flashiness of whoever the fuck you follow on instagram and go to therapy. those wine bars in tuscany and clubs in rio mean absolutely nothing if you’re never satisfied. sorry for the sappiness. RIP Anthony Bourdain 🪽
Nov 9, 2024
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i had one egg, a stale english muffin and a dream. lately i’ve been getting annoyed at the fact that we buy like £30 of ingredients to make a random recipe, and i’m trying to stop doing that and since then i’ve been making up the best little recipes. this morning i had no toast and one egg, so i couldn’t make scrambled eggs on toast which is a go-to when im having a slow morning. so i decided to make a french toast out of a stale english muffin and whipped up some double cream i had lying around that was about to be out of date. not the most unique recipe in the world don’t get me wrong but it was so fucking good and cost nothing!
Nov 27, 2024
in 2 hours i have undone 15 years of hurt and i finally feel like her again.
Feb 15, 2025