Every year on my birthday I listen to my favorite album (In Colour by Jamie xx) and take a walk! I started a few new traditions this year - making a playlist consisting of songs that remind me of the past year and i cap the song # at last year's age. Also, I donate to an organization or charity I admire in the amount of the age I am turning (:
Jun 24, 2024

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hey! I spent numerous of my birthdays alone, so here's what worked for me 1. make a playlist of your favourite songs. literally every song you ever liked from when you were 10 to now. 2. go to your favourite place, but if you don't have one then just go to a park or a museum. I love people watching while listening to music. 3. book a spa day. that one I haven't tried but sounds fun. spa is better in solitude anyway. 4. eat your favourite food. honestly a game changer lol food is the most amazing thing we as species have created. 5. do something you enjoyed as a kid. painting, blowing bubbles, making sand castles. it makes you feel so good, like you're reconnecting with something that's been asleep deep inside you. 6. if you're not scared to talk to strangers then talk with someone you don't know. at a pub or in a line. could be fun. happy early birthday!
May 17, 2024
my birthday often falls the week of thanksgiving, so i usually just take the day off as a "extending the long weekend" if i don't already get it off. since i moved to the west coast ~3 years ago and most of my friends and family are back in new york, every year on my birthday in the morning i make sure to: 1. respond to every single birthday text i got, and if possible hop on a quick call with as many people as i can. basically just a gratitude practice of "hey as i've gotten older i've not only developed meaningful relationships, i've also held onto a lot of meaningful relationships." 2. eat breakfast out; i think my birthday breakfast for the last two years has been Oddfellows Café + Bar (oddfellowscafe.com), but taking the time to have an extra special solo (or with my partner) breakfast keeps the scaries at bay for at least a couple hours 3. going shopping for a birthday gift for myself in person so i have something to open when i get home. after that it's pretty much just about having a couple extra things to do during my day like trying a new restaurant / going to a favorite for lunch, running a "fun" errand like dropping off film to get scanned, and then meeting local friends for either dinner out and / or cake and games back at my apartment, etc. having something where i can look back and feel like i did something is all i'm looking for; i think through my late teens / early twenties i put a lot of emphasis on wanting my my birthday to feel "special" which meant it was doomed to not be "special" enough. since pivoting to having fun my birthday has felt a lot more special since it's just different from the monotony of a normal day, and there wasn't any extra pressure on it
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