love can heal a broken heart, anger will only tear it wider. very hard mode on life. i felt cheated by my relationship so long but the only way to finally feel just and given back, was to be truthful, which was that i am made of love. I am able to bring love in more places than i can always recieve. And that that in itself is beautiful and worth celebrating. here are the corners of my duvet, which have hearts so i know which corners match
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Jun 25, 2024

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romantic, platonic, familial, self. loving love is so cool, even if your heart is currently hurting
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love is beautiful. love is pure. love is enduring. iā€™m not sure if my standards for love are too high, but i worry i donā€™t mean it. iā€™d change my character, overcome weaknesses for those i say it to, yet it never feels like enough. i want to embrace someone not only through touch, but through the warmth of my actions and presence. love knows no bounds. i want to break every single wall a person can put up. still, i know there are limits to love. love is undefinedā€”it is not a singular, universal concept for every person. i fear i can never truly portray my love for another without everything crashing down, whether due to the walls weā€™ve built to shield ourselves from the world or to passing circumstances. maybe iā€™m not concerned about my feelings for others. maybe the words ā€œi love youā€ donā€™t quite serve me justice. still, from this new perspective, itā€™s an affectionate, enkindling acknowledgement to give anotherā€”akin to kissing your loved one on the cheek each morning before leaving for work. love: a word that can be used for anyone, whether platonically or romantically. we really should say these words shamelessly to those around us every day. itā€™s a marvel to think over what true love means to you and how it can vary from person to person. i think this is what makes it beautiful. your idea of love will fit into anotherā€™s idea of love. i hope everyone who reads this is lucky enough to find that person they mesh together with.^^

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