new york (greatest place on earth, still feels like home even though i haven’t lived there in almost 2 years. has everything. best part is brooklyn)
london (where i live now, unique in that it’s got most everything new york does but bc it’s way bigger there’s so many peaceful pockets. weather sucks ass though, transit is really expensive, and the size works against it for walkability at times. best part is southeast)
los angeles (driving is fun, weather is perfect, so many good places to eat, nice to be in space. traffic and size do get to be a pain in the ass though. best part is east/northeast)
berlin (the new york of europe with worse weather and probably even nicer people. plus much cheaper. i like east but need to spend more time in diff areas)
oakland (i grew up in berkeley. most underrated city there is. so beautiful, always has cool people doing cool shit. you prob need a car though and it’s highly dependent on who you know. best area is probably somewhere near the lake but not on the downtown side)
paris (used to live there. overrated for sure, whole city is beige + everyone stinks + a lot of mean people all up in each others business + super slow unaware walkers, but on holiday it’s easier to just enjoy the beauty and there’s so many good restaurants. great biking city too. feels the least like a big city of the tier 1 spots. best part is where 11e and 20e meet near belleville)
prague (so beautiful, so cheap, people are so nice, great food, literally the only thing is weather and language barrier at times)