Animalia is novel by French author Jean-Baptiste Del Amo and it may be the best book i have ever read. It is set on a family pig farm around WWI and in the 1980s and is RIFE with disgusting beauty, shocking physicality, unusual astoundingly imaginative turns of events and both wonderful humanity and wonderful inhumanity. the writing is dense but never tedious as are the emotions and feral motivations it explores. i found myself laughing out loud not at how funny it is but at how incredible it is. i wish it were 3,000,000,000 pages long. it is his first work translated into english and my bandmate, who introduced me to it, is learning french just so she can read his other books.
Jun 25, 2024

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vaginal davis is one of my art heros and a major, lifelong inspiration. she has an art exhibition in stockholm that spans 5!!!!!! museums called magnificent product. it is more than remarkable to see a body of work that spans more than 40 years be more exciting today than ever before. she has the ability to be politically astute, sexual, funny, heart breaking, bizarre, literate, crass, culturally cutting and culturally embracing. her work is magic in the truest and most literal sense of the word in that her work will change you. installations, film, painting, photos, collage and writing that is worth any effort to go but buy the catalog if you (not unreasonably) cannot important sections of the exhibitions are in collaboration with CHEAP and Jonathan Berger.
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