Option 1: Be fucking amazing. Like, top 5% at Yale with a pile of extracurriculars amazing. Find a nonprofit that wants to pay you real money to do good. A few of them do exist.
Option 2: Start your own business. Work hard at it. Convince rich people to invest in you, but don't use that as an excuse to take it easy, you have to build something valuable enough that they give you a million dollars for 10%, rather than $10k for 50%. You should expect to go quite a few years without making any money. And then, eventually, you'll be rich. You might have to sell the business to corporate America... and they might want you to stay on, you'll have to either turn that deal down or negotiate it into something you can manage.
Option 3: Somehow strike it rich in Hollywood. Does that count as corporate america to you?
Option 4: break the law. Steal money, deal drugs. That kind of thing. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE AND I AM NOT YOUR ATTORNEY.
Option 5: Make super rich friends who want to give you money to exist. This doesn't really happen unless you are looking on a sugar baby dating site.