honestly i did not feel jealous of boys upbringing because of how i watched my younger brother growing up
he was beat a lot as a kid
and as a girl, i was beat maybe like 4x in my life but he got it more often and much worse
as a member of the black community i believe that a lot of the older generation saw pain as a tool to create discipline and to be able to withstand that pain meant you were strong and if you could not meant you were weak and required MORE pain
at least that how i see it after growing up
there is also a layer of PTSD (post traumatic slave disorder) but i wont go too deep into it
other than that- my upbringing was also pretty neutral so i had no reason to be jealous
i still played a lot with my brother, the boy cousins and my boy friends
we wrestled, did a lot of "run if you can" games in the woods, played "adventure" where we would literally get lost exploring and then by some divine intervention one of us would remember how to get back home