It’s so hard thinking about the future of our world, so hard it makes doing anything almost impossible. at least that’s how ive felt for so long. Personally, the last year or so has been a massive revelation in the fact that we all need to be taking care of each other on a deeper level. Gone are the days of isolation and apathy. We do need to show each other that we care, because I think that with time, it’s going to continue even after we’re all gone. Caring for your community can look like so many different things. Being involved with your local businesses and organizations. Checking in on friends and family, volunteering your time to other people when you can. Get involved with your local government! I feel as though this is the type of patriotism our country has needed for such a long time, but we’ve swung too far away from it. There are still going to be issues that come up, even with an amazing community by our side, but I think it makes it easier to deal with when you know you have people who care about others around you.
Jun 30, 2024

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It’s so cool to care!!!!!
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Start small. Joy as an act of resistance. Take care of your neighbor, your friends, everyone around you. They can’t take everything from you.
Jan 26, 2025
Things are honestly looking very bleak and precarious for a lot of people. Federal money for a lot of charities that keep people fed and housed might be drying up soon, so I'll echo deardoveswings and taterhole in that contributing/volunteering for local mutual aid would be a great move by everyone. Contrary to the ruling ideology of the western world, love and survival go hand-in-hand. So lets love, and lets survive.
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