dear reader. The Favourite is still My Favourite yorgos film. i say that as if i have seen more than two. anyway. throughout this we tried to remember all the opinions of this film we had months ago, and also spoke over the entire explanation of what was happening, while discussing that we didn’t understand what was happening. me and ellie were so close to our circular narrative that we decided it happened before it actually did. it was like when you have a 2 in the card game president and think you’ll win that round but someone has a 3 of spades. your hopes have zero impact on the narrative at play. thoughts ? the architecture world design made me feel absolutely queasy (so does looking at photos of the earth) so must mean it was cool.
Jul 1, 2024

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Yorgos is literally sick, wtf did i watch last night lol — was so worth the wait tho, a lil able-ist but justified by the mid evil times setting. but also the art direction 🤩💝
Jan 20, 2024
saw it last night and i was speechless. i know films like this can feel like homework, because of they are positioned as "important", but nobody makes movies like Jonathan Glazer ("Birth" and "Under The Skin" are incredible) and i do think this film is really important. i felt sick to my stomach and i can't get it out of my head.
Dec 15, 2023
recommendation image
personally, i thought it was just alright. the pacing was not my favourite in the world but the cinematography and set design was gorg. the actors did a phenomenal job with their respective roles as well. however, the plot itself was lackluster and the film overall was not probing any new or enticing questions or analyses in the grand scheme of feminist theory that hasn't already been done, and done in a more effective and intruiging way (to ME). not to say that a film HAS to always be revolutionary, but my theory is that a lot of people have been "overrating" Poor Things and acting like it IS revolutionary partially because the public has been jaded by the majority of big films being one of four things: remakes, sequels, live adaptations of a pre-existing animation, or about the multiverse. not that these types of film are inherently bad, but when theaters are being flooded with these movies, it leaves film execs no desire to create a unique script and film as they are likely worried that original films with little to no pre-existing fanbase would not be as profitable comparatively. however, i do think that the high praise and positive reception of Poor Things has done a lot of good by showing execs that original movies CAN be successful and the public DOES WANT THEM. i also think its great that an arthouse film is serving as a symbol to push for more original films in the future. plus, just because i don't consider it revolutionary doesn't mean someone else isn't allowed to! these are simply my own personal views so pls don't feel discouraged if u really enjoyed the movie!
Mar 26, 2024

Top Recs from @sophiealmond

see also: having a life that feels like your own, being able to feel happy, having people you care about and who care about you too, no reliance on the transpennine express, living in a place where the world doesn’t end at 5pm, seeing a castle and a big big hill and the moon on the way to see the girl you really really like, being in the position the child you in the small town could only dream of and didn’t believe could happen
Mar 2, 2024
guys, you get it.
Feb 22, 2024
my parents favourite tv show, and in watching it i can come to the conclusion that oh. yes. i am your child. grateful that you didn’t board oceanic flight 815 and birth me on a dodge island so that i can watch a show about that happening to other people. when people (like my parents) tell you this is the greatest show of all time THEY ARE NOT LYING ! i am only on season 3 but the levels of mouth wide open out loud saying what the fuck that i have reached ? dare i say more shocking than back to back scream tv series halloween special episode reveal followed by its immediate cancellation. cannot express my lost obsession to you right now i am having way too much fun.
May 17, 2024