Jesus got up one day a little later than usual. He had been dream- ing so deep there was nothing left in his head. What was it? A nightmare, dead bodies walking all around him, eyes rolled back, skin falling off. But he wasn't afraid of that. It was a beau- tiful day. How 'bout some coffee? Don't mind if I do. Take a little ride on my donkey, I love that donkey. Hell, I love everybody. ——— Not sure if this is my all time favorite but I got a book of Tate’s poetry recently and I love this one
Jul 2, 2024

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i don't know if this is my favourite poem, but i do really love it. it is absurd, it is beautiful, it makes me emotional -- i think that's all i really need to feel with art. i've spent a long time trying to get into poetry, but i find it really difficult. olivia gatwood is a poet that i really love, she's got a few really amazing spoken word videos from button poetry from early in her career up on youtube that are really great (although, she was never compensated in any way for those videos, which is a bit of a shame), everthing she writes is really great, really recommend picking up a copy of her collection 'Life of the Party'. somebody else that i know, used to say their favourite poem was 'High Windows' by Phillip Larkin, which is also very, very beautiful.
Feb 10, 2024

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