of all the goofy ass dogs on the internet I think the two pups on (at)borotan on instagram just stand above and beyond the rest. every day i'm like wow how are you real??? a constant source of joy just great stuff shout out to chewchan and benben 🫡
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Jul 2, 2024

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I only watch old ass stuff at this point. If there's a Show Of The Moment I just can't be bothered, I'll get to it years from now and I'm ok with that. Lately I've been burning through Taxi, which is wildly great. The cast is all powerhouses and includes but is not limited to Judd Hirsch, Danny DeVito, Andy Kaufman, Christopher Lloyd (as the proto Kramer), Tony Danza, Carol Kane and more. Truly STARS and they're all just popping off. It was funny then, it's still funny now and has the heart that so many contemporary comedies try overly hard and fail to achieve. Good stuff baby!!
May 6, 2024
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Album closers can really go one of two ways. You've got your big and fast (I'm thinking specifically of The Moon & Antarctica and Daydream Nation) or your slow and sad, like this. The Mats also operate in those two modes. After the debauchery of the rest of the album a moment of true heartbreak. "Everybody wants to be someone here" mama mia, Paul! It just don't get better. (I was also thinking of picking I Am the Resurrection by the Stone Roses but someone else did it, or Murder Most Foul by Bob but I was like ugh I don't wanna get into that song rn).
May 6, 2024
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I know you said you're already listening to stuff from South America so this might be old news, but if it's from Brazil in the 70's it's tbh worth listening to!! Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa, Jorge Ben, the list is super super long and it's all GREAT! A record store by me had a big sale recently and I bought an OG copy of this only knowing and loving a couple of his other albums (Clube Da Esquina is an all timer) but man this thing blew my dang mind. Can't recommend it enough, big time Beatles/Beach Boys/Floyd worship and it's just so so incredible. Also Turkish psych rips!! And Krautrock obviously!! And French stuff from the late 60s/70s!! Africa has soooo much amazing stuff too!!!
May 6, 2024