book through the Chicago Architecture Center (cool people) or Wendella (tourist-y, u know)… it won’t matter on this not to be missed, greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts, with a full service bar, A+++ way to see the city
City burned down and then architects went cray! Best views are from a boat on the river and the best architecture tour is done by the Chicago Architecture Center
Constantly passed by these buildings my whole life, would love to do a deep dive into how these gorgeous marvels were designed and constructed, how they’ve managed to remain in spite of countless other eras (ie brutalism) overtaking the culture, and how it’s influenced the landscape of NYC as a whole.
can be used for a reckless or reserved evening… efficient… same price as a well drink with some feel of a *cocktail*… requires bartender to open a tiny can which can be charming…