Lynda Barry’s advice column and her response to this question: Dear Lynda, When you get bored, and you're so bored you don't even want to do anything to break up the boredom—it's that creeping, infectious boredom that's kind of like an anger—how do you avoid drinking too much? Thanks, Tipsy in Texas Generally have been thinking a lot about childhood boredom (not the depressive insidious boredom + drudgery of modern adult life that is referred to here), the function of it, and how there’s all these pop psych methods about ~getting in touch with your inner child~ but I think it could also be helpful to just allow yourself to be bored sometimes. Not a cell phone in sight type vibes. Literally watch some mf paint dry. I built worlds from boredom as a child. Summer is the perfect time to be bored. Boredom > Noticing > Attention > Presence
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Jul 4, 2024

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i feel like i gotta let myself be bored more. i freak out when i have nothing stimulating or nothing to do, but in a society that relies so heavily on productivity and buying stuff, how about i just let myself have nothing to do? and allow the feelings that come with it i guess. half the time im only doing things to show people i do things.
Dec 27, 2024
it's incredible that society built boredom and not the other way around. It also occurs to me that being bored and stuck at home may produce some high-quality feminist literature. so I just need to wait.
Dec 25, 2023
... is such a gift and an art. Letting yourself reach the point of boredom is the more efficient way for your brain to reset and heal. Recently, I spent 2 months exploring the bounds of my free time, free schedule, and free brain space until finally reaching the point of "okay, I could use some structure and rigor again" was the only thing that has genuinely healed me from a traumatic workplace after a merciful layoff. Not rushing into the next thing saved me, especially being able to let my boredom tell me "you're ready to get back to it."
Feb 14, 2025

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Currently have three full pages in my notebook! I guess some might call this a gratitude journal LOL but it’s different when I do it.  My brother was telling me about this phenomenon called “target fixation”. It’s a panic reflex that happens when motorcyclists become fixated on a singular object, obstacle, hazard (e.g. a sharp curve on a winding road) and they will unconsciously steer in the direction of the thing they’re trying to avoid because their hands follow their gaze which leads to accidents.  You will follow your gaze so be aware of where you’re looking. Train yourself to seek out pleasure and appreciation! Understanding where + what you derive pleasure from increases your capacity to enjoy things which in turn makes you a more interesting person (imo). I think it’s just as important self-knowledge as understanding your triggers/trauma. It is a daily willingness to be transformed by small things. Sorry for lecturing but I want good things for all of you. Xoxo, meg
Mar 29, 2024