I’ve been really liking doing concealer, blush, eyebrow gel, a little bronzer and some eyeshadow and NO MASCARA. This has been a game changer and it’s made it so much easier to wash my face at night
For some reason I feel prettiest when I’ve woken up in my makeup from the night before. My face makeup has worn away leaving me with light coverage and visible freckles. My eyeliner has smudged just enough to be visible under my eyes. My mascara is perfectly intact somehow. Maybe it’s just the confidence from a fun party the night before or maybe not. But I feel pretty :)
rare makeup related rec from me but this works wonders if you have down turned lashes that never want to stay up! a pass through ur usual eyelash curler and a coat or two of this will have them staying up for the day… i promise <3
i love you dale cooper, i love you laura palmer, i love you hawk and lucy and annie and harry s. trueman. i love you denise, and the bald man whose name i can’t remember