immediate feeling of superiority sitting down and seein dem peasants stand in line 😭 im gon wait til the last moment and then anxiously worry that i missed it 😎
i want window every single time. idk why people like aisle seats, i just had my shoulder bumped like 47 times on this flight and didnt even get to look at the chicago skyline as i landed
same vein as cherimae (can’t tag for some reason lol), this book was really an experiment in empathy and forgiving for a first-gen immigrant. also talks a lot about contemporary workplace politics and just the monotony of modern life but I found it to be optimistic ultimately. Very well written and you can finish it in like 3 days.
Very long walkways, dotted with smoking lounges. Marble, ambient music, the occasional military patrols armed with ARs. Urinals with petite candle icons so you know where to aim.