This is kind of an anti-rec, more of a PSA.
If you haven’t heard of the marketing research company WGSN it’s worth a deep dive.
Horrifying to see that years ago, a marketing research company predicted that we’d all be into 90s and early 2000s nostalgia, nihilism, and awe/whimsy.
The scarier part, for me, is how companies that work with these firms will prey upon individuals’ sincere interests and perspectives. Some unpaid intern from WGSN is def monitoring this app lol.
I wrestle with that competing understandings that a zeitgeist will always exist; that the transmission of preferences/ideas between people is how culture is made, with also not wanting to be unconsciously influenced by a predatory system whose only goal is to make me feel like I’m less than and therefore push me to consume.
Sry I’m super red pilled this morning lol.