like fontaines dc? this is fontaines dc from the 90s, down to the album artwork. i've had it on repeat all week, makes me wanna bounce around. rec from my friend christian via my friend lea.
Lyrically clever (the story of someone convincing themselves they're not in love through a series of non-convincing vignettes)
Musically sophisticated (the backing vocals are some of the most magical sounds ever recorded to tape -- the full story of how it happened is worth checking out especially if you're into music production or composition)
Kelsey Lu's cover for the Euphoria soundtrack is pretty badass too.
I've probably been listening to this since it first came out and I heard it on the radio as a kid and I'm not sick of it yet. Which is saying something.
“Big boys don’t cry.”
i love to do favors and leave gifts for my future self. i switched out my purse this morning and found an unopened thing of hi chews and $40 that i intentionally left for myself ~6 months ago because i knew it would be a happy discovery someday. today was the day!