— untangling a necklace with a needle for someone
(my dad used to do this for me when I was younger, felt like such a delicate ritual)
— sitting on a couch with someone (aka your current crush) and both caressing a cat that’s between you and the other person
…a silent „we’re both here, coexisting, vibing„ moment
— braiding someone’s hair
(the gentle tug, the trust, the rhythm)
— tuning a violin or a guitar
(recently watched my friend do this and she was so intimate with her instrument, fine-tuning every string, taking her time… it was kinda mesmerizing)
— asking someone about their perfume
(I noticed you, I want to remember how you smell)
— people in busy public places that close their eyes and hold still for a moment just to soak in some precious sunrays
Loved this question!