this is like my no1 thing tbh after physical attraction which is less quantifiable for me (and i’m going to keep it that way) yeah i just love when i can do stuff with someone or do nothing or just talk or sit in silence or whatever, that’s really hot and hard to find

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absolutely nothing sexier or more caring than deciding to give someone your rapt and undivided attention in a world full of distracting bright flashing things where everyone at any given moment is consuming two or three things at once. plus the feeling of someone remembering something minor you said super offhandedly (like a childhood anecdote or a snack you were craving) and bringing it up in conversation again days later makes you feel so seen and understood, literally the loveliest feeling ever.
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— untangling a necklace with a needle for someone (my dad used to do this for me when I was younger, felt like such a delicate ritual) — sitting on a couch with someone (aka your current crush) and both caressing a cat that’s between you and the other person …a silent „we’re both here, coexisting, vibing„ moment — braiding someone’s hair (the gentle tug, the trust, the rhythm) — tuning a violin or a guitar (recently watched my friend do this and she was so intimate with her instrument, fine-tuning every string, taking her time… it was kinda mesmerizing) — asking someone about their perfume (I noticed you, I want to remember how you smell) — people in busy public places that close their eyes and hold still for a moment just to soak in some precious sunrays Loved this question!

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leaves you susceptible to dating someone for too long because they play a role rather than it being about who they are. if you go in open to every situation, it will play out as its supposed to naturally (sometimes with a little nudge)
literally every single series has been great so far except BOS/MIA & CLE/ORL. we really in for a treat
go drink some right now it’s good for your body and skin and has magical healing properties when consumed at the right times. currently it’s helping me beat a hangover