The HYUKOH & Sunset Rollercoaster AAA project album is exactly what I need at the moment.
Also, I’m obsessed with rafhoo’s video for Antenna.
Y is my current obsession off the album
been obsessed with this one lately! i love all of the songs, but my favorites are out of time and camel8strike. awesome catchy album for fans of shoegaze and indie music… will this be my AOTY already? we shall see
how did i not give this album the hype it deserved when i first heard it….:this shit is INSANE !!!
current hyperfix songs (this week):
1. very online guy (tru )
2. belinda says (heaven is a place on earth both so is hEeeLlllll- so real)
vs last week:
1. easy on ur own
2. after the earthquake
Recently many of her older albums are finally available to stream. I had this album on my hard drive when I got a new phone I had to listen to the album in full on YouTube a while.
Another one for me is Aja by Steely Dan. A classic.