as much as i love physical books, i recently got a kobo ereader and it is kind of changing my life???
Jul 12, 2024

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i used to be against e-readers until i got one - best decision ever!! i finished 3 books in a week when before i struggled to read 3 in a whole year something about the ease of being able to carry it around and the built-in dictionary makes it so easy to zip through books i got a kobo libra 2 just because i like the aesthetics of it more than a kindle
Apr 17, 2024
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I was so anti with e-readers for the longest time. I had a Nook as a teenager and it was clunky, heavy, and locked into the B&N marketplace. I also hated the idea of not having a physical book. That has all changed with my Kobo Libra 2. The highlights for me, in short: 1) Slim + lightweight. I can fit this baby in basically any bag, including a tiny shoulder bag 2) Holds THOUSANDS of books....literally thousands. Also audiobooks! 3) I can purchase books directly from kobo, but you can also buy them from any other retail chain (not amazon tho, their file structure is different). As long as its an ePub your Kobo can read it...even if its not from reputable businesses 😉 4)BIG SAVINGS!! 💰Stuff goes on sale all the time, I have price alerts set thru a website and gets tons of books for cheap. Kobo will match prices of other retailers and give you store credit for the difference. 5) Battery lasts for a week or more, without needing a charge 6)Links to your overdrive if you want to check out books from your local library! 7) Space saver. I take my kobo with me on every vacation, in my commute etc. Where I go, she goes. I still love, use, and travel with physical books. So, to those who, like me, were afraid of not having real paper in front of them, trust, you will adjust. The e-ink screen is actually of great quality. And I still have a huge library of paper books at home! Rumors are swirling that the Libra 3 is dropping in Spring! Get into it!
Jan 23, 2024
any brand!!! i recently got a 6" kindle on back market and im so obsessed. it is so little and lightweight, it fits in almost all of my purses so i can always bring it with me. there are a lot of ebooks available and you can upload your own pdfs. i really love having my library in a portable state (though i will say some of my pdfs are sadly not readable on the kindle due to formatting but its ok). i recommend this item irl constantly, i am reading exponentially more than i was before i got it and i feel so alive lol if u have reading goals for 2024 it is a great thing to get!! not to mention they are super chic to hold!
Jan 26, 2024

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my everyday bag is a large baggu crescent bag, and it is the love of my life. i have a variety of pins on display that say, “help the police-beat yourself up!”, “mean lesbian”, and “the moral panic is about ME!!!” i keep my wallet and coin-purse in the one little inside-pocket, along with lip balm/gloss, airpods AND wired earbuds, pencils/pens, lighters, my trusty bus pass, and an unlimited use kiss coupon from my partner. in the main part of the bag i have a smaller bag full of stimming toys and communication cards (and gum and more lip gloss). i also have a taser, one reusable bag (just in case!), my journal (i’ve been trying to keep a commonplace book), my kobo libra color, my vape, a few joints in a cute kitten cigarette case, and a pack of american spirits (the teal ones are superior). not pictured: owala water bottle and any given crochet project
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