This has probably been recommended before but my morning/nightly bath keeps me sane. I watch TV, talk on FaceTime (to those who deserve it ;)) and come up with great ideas. I recommend getting some Japanese bath salts and Buly shower gel in there to sweeten the deal.
Jun 28, 2024

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~So I’ve gotten into taking baths. I can’t explain it but it feels more analog. I used to think of it as a more time consuming option but now I feel it’s actually more efficient. The pressure of designating time for it to be both functional and experiential leads to letting myself get bored, which brings about a clear but gentle conclusion. Boredom is a luxury. I used to think new thoughts so often out of boredom, but now it feels like I’m trying to be productive or I’ve left my body entirely, so I’ve been leaning in to get back to active boredom. There are plenty of ways to make it an experience. The only time I’ll drink ice in a drink is in a bath, because effectively you’re already a soup. So drinking la croix or gatorade on ice in the bath is a crazy experience to feel your guts being all cold and your skin being warm. A good way to get back into my body is to make it the intersection of polarizing temperatures. I also love the idea of robes but I can’t figure out when I’m meant to wear one, and the best I can tell is around bathtime. I love putting the Dr Teals Lavender salts right under the faucet because it either dissolves them or disperses them from jump as it’s filling, and then the Almond Cleansing Oil from Trader Joes is a moisturizing option for your cleansing tasks that take place as you’re brining your body in salt.
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Another thing to do in the city, but Grant actually is someone who KNOWS what he’s talking about. Also it’s in the best building on a lovely street in the West Village that hasn’t been taken over by TikTokers.
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Nothing makes me nostalgic for my childhood like doing this. It makes me remember when I was so carefree. Also the fashion was ON POINT and all of these Black women are still so beautiful and fabulous.
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It’s always cool to be nice. I recommend it.
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