on my old car i used to have a bumper sticker that said “i hope you have a good day” on it. one day i came out of the grocery store and someone had left a note on my car on a sheet of paper from their notebook that said “i hope YOU have a good day!” i think about the person that went out of their way to leave that note a lot and hope that they know how sweet that was. i kept the note and put it in my junk journal/scrapbook and when i’m having a bad day i like to look at it.
i just got this perfume tester and the lady put "enjoy :)" on a little note inside the bag. people also put "thanks for buying!" in my online thrift purchase bags all the time, so i started doing the same on all my secondhand items sold online :D
it feels a little more personal, and there's so much kindness in the world that goes unsaid otherwise. i warmly recommend leaving kind little notes for others
becoming very fond of this. bonus points if they're on the most ridiculous piece of stationery you can find (my hits from the past few months: back of a hospital guest badge, a paper tag from a pair of pants, a cup noodle cardboard sleeve)