not rlly that big of a city but theres a lot of fun to be had, lots of music, lots of art, food, sports, karaoke, poetry nights. it's kind of a magical place.
my hometown, and the perfect place to get your ear talked off 🗣️
medium city with a lot of world class cultural institutions, lovely parks, a big ass lake, i could go on!
when someone mentions a city, my friends and i start listing nicknames for that city, then nicknames for other cities. eg: "ah yes, new york. the big apple. the city that never sleeps. the windy city. stumptown. the city of brotherly love. the big easy." group participation bit, never gets old
a beautiful sexy exciting suspensful hell yeah of a movie. campy and high brow if you're of the epicurean pursasion or within that idealogical vicinity when it comes to movies. it makes a lot of heavyhanded stylized assertions which are good and cool, but it balances out with the subtly genius writing and tender sapphic love story.