good bad: repo the genetic opera. the actual movie is amazing and funny with a great soundtrack, but it is pretty strange and relatively low budget bad good: the neon demon (this is a hot take). it tries too hard to be ‘art house’ horror and falls flat for me. just really boring
Jul 17, 2024

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wow, Neon Demon is my favorite from Refn. I hated Only God Forgives but I want to give it another shot
Jul 17, 2024
lucius the direct quote from my letterboxd review was ‘basically just an assortment of skinny girls looking morose for an hour and forty minutes‘. i’ve never seen only god forgives though, might have to check it out
Jul 17, 2024
paperpendragon most Refn films could be described as 'an assortment of people looking morose for an hour and forty minutes'
Jul 17, 2024

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Jul 17, 2024
Type 1: movies where there’s some loser that falls in love with a machine that also happens to personify a female figure (e.g: Her, Ex-Machina, Blade Runner, etc). It’s boring and weird. The robot always gets weirdly sexualized and violence gets incited upon it, either through the movie or the spectators who are sick enough to imagine committing violent, often sexual acts against it. But it’s supposed to be fine ‘cause it’s not a woman. Just a woman playing a robot who personifies a female-like figure 😒. Also, Wall-E will always be the superior version of these kinds of movies, and it’s not even a human. Type 2: movies where a person has some disease and the whole movie is just them trying to overcome the disease only for them to die in the end. It’s boring. Even worse when it’s surrounding a romance plot. It comes off as fetishy to me 😭
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recommendation image
it is objectively so bad, yet there is a part of me that cannot part from it, I have to rewatch it at least once a year, it is truly iconic. and hey, I can definitely tell you all the reasons why it is bad, both the movies and the books, but I think one can enjoy a piece of bad media while realizing how wacky it is. sometimes life is about fun too
Feb 5, 2025

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i’m needing to remind myself that being odd and dressing uniquely is not a bad thing. going back to university and not knowing anyone in my classes while also showing up in a full tweed suit or a tetris cardigan or a long brocade jacket is okay. don’t let the uniqueness leave you just because people give you strange looks. be more like the girl that dresses in head to toe lolita coords every day. or the guy that came to class dressed as soulja boy for no particular reason. get weird with it!!
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