Type 1: movies where there’s some loser that falls in love with a machine that also happens to personify a female figure (e.g: Her, Ex-Machina, Blade Runner, etc). It’s boring and weird. The robot always gets weirdly sexualized and violence gets incited upon it, either through the movie or the spectators who are sick enough to imagine committing violent, often sexual acts against it. But it’s supposed to be fine ‘cause it’s not a woman. Just a woman playing a robot who personifies a female-like figure 😒. Also, Wall-E will always be the superior version of these kinds of movies, and it’s not even a human.
Type 2: movies where a person has some disease and the whole movie is just them trying to overcome the disease only for them to die in the end. It’s boring. Even worse when it’s surrounding a romance plot. It comes off as fetishy to me 😭